The Plasma Series is a UAG classic - a masterpiece of dynamic translucent hexagonal design, engineered to provide serious protection for adventurous individuals. With enhanced TPU corner protection and an ultra-lightweight impact frame, this case is designed to shield your device from accidental drops and other unexpected impacts. The low perimeter edge offers a tactile grip, ensuring a more secure handling experience on the go. The unmistakable signature UAG armor frame adds a touch of boldness to the overall design, making it instantly recognizable. With the Plasma Series, you get definitive protection from the elements without compromising on style.
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Hong Kong
★★★★★Louie加上保護套後,整體機身較裸機時闊了一點,手感上不及裸機舒適,但造工十分好,與機身貼合,裝拆也容易,而且圖案十 分滿意,質料感覺都很好。
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
★★★★★Victor準時送達 包裝妥當 仲送左盒Covid快測套裝俾我 好貼心 遲啲再買手機配件會再幫襯👍🏼
Hong Kong
★★★★★Hoo很滿意 有問題問cs都好快解答到 貨送到黎都包裝得好產品冇任何問題
Hong Kong
Hong Kong